Dartlo is located 2000m above sea level. The village is famous for beautiful houses with wooden balconies, making it unique in entire Tusheti. Dartlo is one of the outstanding architectural treasures of Georgian architecture. It’s also famous for open air court hall, where the court of inhabitants of Dartlo and nearby villages was held. This is the court of 12 judges. There’re 12 antique stone chairs that belonged to 12 different judges and 2 stone plates in the middle of the circle for convicts to kneel down. In front of the court hall there’s a stone construction of “stone press”. The convict and his defenders had to remove 1 hair of the mustache and place it under the stone press to show that the evidence theywould givewould be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The fact that the main judge was a woman is really amazing.